General Description
In members of this genus there are spherical, inflated ventral cirri on anterior segments. This species is easily recognised by the uniform bright red colouration, interrupted only by a conspicuous white patch immediately behind the prostomium and two rows of small white dorsal dots (one pair of dots per segment). Body up to about 6 cm long.
There are at least 100 species of Syllidae known from Australia and taxonomists are currently describing more species. Most species will require observation of chaetal structures at high magnifications before their identity can be confirmed. Myrianida sp. is one of a number of species now being described by taxonomists.
Often found under rocks and among holdfasts in Port Phillip Bay and other similar coastal habitat, inshore and continental shelf.
Distribution guide
Southern Australia.
Species Group
Shore (0-1 m)
Shallow (1-30 m)
Water Column
Max Size
6 cm
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Species Code
sp. 2
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed