General Description
Body moderately deep; first dorsal fin origin over or behind rear margin of eye; segmented dorsal fin rays 3, last two rays widely separated from preceding rays; tail and tail base short; orbital tentacle elongate, greater than half eye diameter. Colour variable, mottled, reddish brown to green, either uniform or with 8 broken dark, vertical bars along trunk and tail, 2 bars below eye. To 14 cm.
Like many other fishes in the family Clinidae, this species has internal fertilisation and gives birth to live young.
Amongst algae and kelp on shallow rocky reefs, in depths of 1-25 m.
Distribution guide
South-eastern Australia.
Species Group
Fishes › Weedfishes and snakeblennies
Water Column
Max Size
14 cm
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed