General Description
Body slender, head broader than deep, eyes almost touching; sensory pores on head; gill openings broad; scales absent from head; two dorsal fins, the first low in females, tall in males; second dorsal fin deeply concave, males with anterior rays much longer than hind rays, distinctly elevated, giving the fin a falcate appearance. Translucent to sandy; midsides with a row of blue dashes and widely-spaced tiny, brown or orange spots. Males easily recognisable with a dark spot on base of end of first dorsal fin and a sickle-shaped second dorsal fin. To 4 cm.
On sand, often in coastal seagrass beds, in depths of 2-10 m.
Soft substrates
Seagrass meadows
Distribution guide
South-eastern Australia, including western and central Victoria.
Species Group
Water Column
Max Size
5 cm
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Species Code
sp 3
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed