General Description
Disc with scalloped outline, covered in plates, arms very long and sinuous. The two larger plates on the disc near the arm base (radial shields) are curved like an "elands horns". Up to five short arm spines, the second lowest with a flattened tip with 1-2 laterally directed thorns; two tentacle scales. Disc grey, arms light brown with faint banding near the tips. Disc up to 9 mm diameter, arms to 20 times that length.
This species is usually found buried in sediment with 2-4 arms extended out of holes into the water. It readily casts off the dorsal disc surface (and stomach and gonads) if disturbed, possibly to confuse predators; it can regenerate these from the skeleton around the mouth.
In mud and soft sand, from 2 to 100 m.
Soft substrates
Distribution guide
South-eastern Australia, including western and central Victoria.
Species Group
Seastars and allies › Brittle stars
Shallow (1-30 m)
Deep ( > 30 m)
Water Column
Max Size
1 cm
Plankton or Particles
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Species Code
MoV 660
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed