General Description
Rostrum 1-2 times as long as wide at base, bearing stiff setae laterally, free section shorter than orbitorostral grooves which are overhung by base of rostrum and sharply delimited from orbital hoods; orbital hoods without teeth; rostrum-hood margins transverse. Large claw (chela) laterally compressed; lower margin slightly concave, irregular proximally; upper margin with longitudinal ridge and tubercles; without lateral and mesial teeth near dactylar articulation; with numerous scattered setae. Small claw (chela) not of balaeniceps form. Secong leg (pereopod 2) with first carpal segment slightly longer than second. Green, up to 6 cm long.
Snapping shrimps or pistol shrimps are immediately distinguished from other families by having one claw much larger than the other, the larger claw cylindrical and with a parrot-beak-like finger.
Intertidal to depths of 24 m.
Soft substrates
Coastal shores
Distribution guide
Indo-west Pacific, eastern Pacific, eastern Atlantic, including southern Australia.
Species Group
Prawns, shrimps, lobsters › Shrimps
Shore (0-1 m)
Shallow (1-30 m)
Water Column
Max Size
6 cm
Organic matter
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Recorded in Australia
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed