General Description
Rostrum not obviously trilobed, with 4-7 tubercles each side of medial lobe; lateral lobes barely distinguishable by short hiatus in row of tubercles from medial rostrum. Fourth segment (merus) of first leg (pereopod 1) spinose on lower edge; fifth segment (carpus) with strong mesiodorsal spine and smaller mesial spine; sixth segment (propodus) without spines; fixed finger one-fifth length of dactylus. Tail fan (telson) about as wide as long, with 2 transverse ridges and median longitudinal carina, margin convex; yellowish-orange with widely-spaced red chromatophores. Up to 1 cm long.
Mud shrimps, as the name would suggest, live in burrows in the mud. In Port Phillip Bay quantitative samples have indicated a density of up to 16 specimens per square metre.
Bays, benthic sediments, 10-20 m depth.
Soft substrates
Distribution guide
Southern temperate oceans, including south-eastern Australia.
Species Group
Prawns, shrimps, lobsters › Ghost and mud shrimps
Water Column
Max Size
1 cm
Organic matter
Not harmful but a nip from large claws could be painful
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Species Code
MoV 1009
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed