General Description
Body robust, tapering to a short compressed tail base, with short-based dorsal and anal fins; head very broad, flattened, with a very short wide snout; pelvic fins united to form a large sucking disc on the underside, edged posteriorly with a fleshy fringe; mouth small, with a strong spine embedded in skin on either side of head. Usually a mottled brown greenish, with pale greenish spots on the back and darker spots forming bands on the back in juveniles. To 8 cm.
Common, but rarely seen on intertidal and subtidal rocky reefs, weedy areas and under jetties.
Intertidal and subtidal rocky reefs, to depths of about 12 m.
Coastal shores
Distribution guide
South-eastern Australia.
Species Group
Fishes › Clingfishes and shore-eels
Shore (0-1 m)
Shallow (1-30 m)
Water Column
Max Size
8 cm
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Native to Australia
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed