General Description
Slender, elongate fishes with a small mouth, long beak-like extensions of upper and lower jaws, lower slightly longer than upper, short-based dorsal and anal fins far back on the body, followed by 5-7 finlets and a deeply forked symmetrical tail. Dark blue to brownish above, silvery white below, with broad silver lateral stripe, a dark blue or green spot at pectoral-fin base and blue tail and dorsal finlets. To 45 cm.
This species forms schools in the open ocean and is preyed upon by many marine animals.
Warmer temperate waters, occasionally enters bays and estuaries.
Open water
Distribution guide
Worldwide. Southern Australia.
Species Group
Fishes › Garfishes, halfbeaks and longtoms
Water Column
Max Size
45 cm
Commercial Species
Global Dispersal
Recorded in Australia
Conservation Status
- DSE Advisory List : Not listed
- EPBC Act 1999 : Not listed
- IUCN Red List : Not listed